The Most Difficult Place To Do Business
Where is the most difficult country to do business? Of course it is impossible to answer this question since we are all different. What is difficult for me because of language or cultural differences may be easy for you because you are fluent in the language and have a vast knowledge of the culture.
Lets eliminate war zone areas such as Iraq immediately since they would not even make the initial cut. It is virtually impossible to do business during a time when a country is experiencing strife. Outside of those areas, from my personal experience, Nigeria wins the prize as the most difficult place to do business. Not only are the language and culture vastly different than what most westerners are used to, their ethics, transportation system, communication system, and inability to make things work make it tough for anyone to do business there. There is still a large amount of corruption throughout business and government plus pirating of goods in the Port of Lagos and aboard trains and trucks goes on daily. No other country comes close to Nigeria. They are the winners hands down.
I found China to be difficult because of its vastness and lack of English in some locations. This is quickly changing however due to the upcoming Olympics. South Korea is tough because of its proximity to North Korea. Japan because of its unique language and customs both of which are unknown to most westerners. Most Japanese can speak English and they have a distinct advantage over most competitors for that reason. Thailand is also difficult because of its alphabet and customs. The Thai people are wonderful however and make excellent employees.
Where have you had the most difficulty doing business? My vote goes to Nigeria.
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