Who Is In Charge Of Your Career?
Your company or firm? Your boss since mentoring is one of his/her key elements? Human Resources? Your spouse or friends? You?
The company or firm that you work for hopefully has some tools in place to assist you with career planning and development. Most do. But, while they provide some tools for you to use, they are not ultimately responsible for your career.
Your boss plays an important role in career planning by assisting you in achieving what you want to achieve. They can assist you with ideas and enable you to take advantage of the tools that the company provides. Usually, they are in the best position to understand your strengths and weaknesses and developmental needs. The boss can be one of your biggest allies if you develop the proper relationship. Don't like your current boss? Then try a former boss or close business associate that knows you well.
Human Resources is usually a facilitator. Along with your boss, HR can assist you in reaching your goals. On the otherhand, don't count on them to be the initiator of your career plans. They can help but they are not ultimately responsible for your career plans.
Your spouse or a close friend can offer you advice and counsel as well as emotional support.
You are actually the one in charge of your career! Bosses change. Company policies vary and they can also change with time. Some HR Staffs do not have career development as a high priority. A friend or spouse may not have the background needed to support you. You. Only you can manage your career. Take the bull by the horns. Establish some broad career objectives and see to it that they happen. The company, the boss, HR, and friends are all working for you. Think of them as your personal tools as you aggressively work to fulfill your career goals. Remember, you are in charge!
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