Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Neat Things You Can Do With A Blog

No doubt some of you are new at blogging so I thought I would share some of the neat things that you can do with blogs.

1. Trash it.

2. Reflect on it.

3. Comment on it by expressing your own viewpoints.

4. Agree or disagree with my viewpoints.

5. Pass it on to friends.

6. Copy it and roll it into a small ball and toss it to your dog.

To express yourself freely, don't respond to my emails. Instead, click on the small envelope at the bottom of this message and send your comments that way.

One other point, be sure and save the http:// address on my message so you can easily to get to the global coaching forum blog. Save it as a favorite or put it on your desk top and you will have a ready reference tool. If you forget, email or call me and I will guide you.

I should also say that if you do not wish to be "blogged" you can ask to be taken off my mailing list. I realize that some of you are already overwhelmed by emails and this adds to your load. So, your wish is my command.


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